Sunday, June 14, 2009

Grace the Pensive

I'm back. And to no surprise, at least for me. I have this unfailing practice of starting a journal, to either replace it with another one or abandon it because of my ruthless tendency to be lazy. I guess that explains a lot about my life.

In any case, I've had this itch to write again, even if no one reads what I have to say. I just need to put pen to to speak.

To put the past months in a nutshell, I finally graduated with a bachelor's in architecture. Though, I'm not sure how much good it's going to do me with this economy. I'm back home on Maui with no job, no plans, and a lot of time to self-reflect. It hasn't even been a month since graduation and I already feel defeated by the wheels of life. But, I'm determined to make my way somehow, even if it's not with architecture. I just hope to be in the creative field for the rest of my life.

Picked up my uke and started singing and playing again. Maybe I'll post some videos and sing love songs...or sad songs.

So, today I was looking through my closet with the hopes of reuniting with 5 or so pairs of shoes that went missing over the past couple years. I suspect all the flip-flopping between school and home created some kind of unexplainable black hole in my room. I finally got the courage to dig around in my closet and alas, they were shoved in the back with the rolls of wrapping paper and felt that piles up each holiday season. Safe to say, I feel like finding my shoes is an indication that destiny has turned a new leaf for me. Watch out world, the days of Grace have only just begun.


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